A Message to Our Fellow Citizens of the GTA

A Message to Our Fellow Citizens of the GTA

There has been literally no one who has not been impacted in some way by the Covid 19 outbreak.

We believe it is important to keep a positive outlook for the benefit of our children, the community, and those persons who are working on the front lines of this pandemic. It is also important for our own well being as adults.

We sincerely appreciate the efforts of those people working in the medical field, researchers, and first responders such as our paramedics, firefighters, and police services.

Also people working in the transportation industry to keep our goods moving, people who work in manufacturing to keep up the supply chain, grocery, pharmacy, and numerous other businesses which are essential to keeping people safe and our economy moving.

To those people in society who have the means; such as business leaders, corporations, banking, industry, etc.; please continue to invest in the home improvement and construction industry, so that these smaller businesses can keep people working as much as possible, and to help stimulate our economy as much as possible.

We need to be kind and considerate of one another, practice responsibility by socially isolating, and to keep in my mind that this situation will not last forever.  There is a real opportunity to better connect with our families, friends and piers.